
7 Best Ways To Learn A New Language


We all have our unique way of learning. I’m not the type of person who depends completely on textbooks, audio, and school. When I first learned English, I was thinking was there any faster way to polish my English speaking skills and pronunciation?

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Back then I didn’t have a Wi-Fi connection at my house so I just ended up watching American TV series and movies.

Listening to music also helps. These two ways contribute a lot, even right now.

But there is always one problem.

I consider my English (speaking and writing) to be in between intermediate and advanced level, but my grammar is stuck somewhere in the intermediate level. Even though I’ve learned English since primary, there were times when I was like “What did I miss?”

When I speak English, I tend to mix American English and British English, because there are some words that I feel more comfortable saying in British than American and vice versa.

Below are my learning methods

  1. Television
    There are a lot of TV series and movies that have basic conversations in them.

  2. Music  
    It’s easier to remember and memorize words or sentences that you don’t know the meanings but you can always find out later what the song is about.

  3. Books
    Short-story novels are great because they can improve your grammar and writing skills. You’ll come across familiar sentences and wonder why they write it like that when you write it the other way around, so you know where your mistake is.

  4. Podcasts
    Even though I’m not an auditory learner, I do, however, enjoy listening to podcasts which is what I’ve been doing a lot recently.

  5. Language apps
    Flip cards or flashcards with pictures and audio. This is the easiest way to increase your vocabulary and improve your pronunciation.

  6. YouTube
    Some channels cover most of the important aspects of a language such as vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation, and much more.

  7. Talk with a friend or someone who speaks the language you’re learning. Find yourself an exchange language partner and have a conversation with them. 

What to do when you slowly lose your motivation?

Find interesting things related to the particular language that will boost back your motivation. Think back to the reason why you decided to learn that specific language. That will put you back on track. 

When you begin to struggle at a certain level don’t stop just because it is difficult. Think of it as solving a puzzle. It's always ok to pause and resume it later than to stop completely.

Learning Switch On And Off

So, what is your method? Share it with us below.

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